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regarding tuning. what is difference between dry swing and mild swing
Many thanks for your question.
Tuning definitions are alwasy a little difficult in words, we are actually preparing a video to demonstrate the differences so watch this space.
Here are the descriptions as shown in our jargon buster
Dry describes when two reeds are tuned exactly together at the same pitch. The sound is very pure without any tremolo at all
Mild Swing describes when two reeds at the same pitch are tuned with a very slight difference, usually around a 4 cent gap. The sound has a fast tremolo and is quite a penetrative sound Swing a big difference in tuning between two reeds of the same pitch, perhaps around 10 cents. There is a significant amount of tremolo, giving a thicker sense of sound
I hope that helps, please don't hesitate to get in touch if you would like more info, audio clips etc!
With any accordion we can of course provide any tuning you may wish so if there is a specific sound you are looking for please let us know
Best wishes
The Reed Lounge